If you are hiring a contractor to do work for your business, it is your responsibility as an employer to make sure that the contractor has WCB coverage – either classified under their own business or under yours.

To make sure a contractor has WCB coverage, you will need to get a Clearance letter. Clearance letters will tell you if a business is covered and in good standing with the WCB.

Take me to Clearances

If the contractor you’re hiring does not have WCB coverage, they may be considered your worker for the duration of that contract and may be classified under your business’s WCB coverage.

If the contractor is in default with their WCB payment, you can be held accountable on the assessment of the labour portion of their contract.

Only the labour portion of contract labour must be reported to the WCB. The WCB charges employers on the estimated labour portion of a contract only.

The WCB has a schedule for contract labour that sets out a standard labour percentage of the total contract or piecework price for various industries and types of equipment.

Download the Assessment Schedule for Contract Labour FAQ

Download the Coverage for Contact Workers fact sheet

Yes, it is important to update your payroll estimate any time it changes. It’s easy to do so and you can make changes any time of the year by phone or email.


Change your payroll estimate by calling our Assessment Services Department.

Within Winnipeg: 204-954-4505

Toll free: 1-855-954-4321 ext. 4505


You can also change your payroll estimate by sending an email to assessmentservices@wcb.mb.ca.

Please be sure to include your account number with all correspondence.

If your business has contracted out-of-province work, you will need to contact the workers compensation agency where you are working to see if you need to provide coverage for your workers.




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