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This resource is also available in French.

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This brochure is also available in French.

This resource provides answers to frequently asked questions about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including:

  • Is it normal to feel emotionally distressed after experiencing a traumatic event?
  • What is post-traumatic stress disorder?
  • What are some symptoms of PTSD?
  • What causes PTSD?
  • Who does PTSD affect?
  • How do I find out if I'm experiencing PTSD?
  • What types of treatments are available to me?

This resource provides answers to frequently asked questions about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and workers compensation, including:

  • Am I covered by the WCB if I have PTSD or another psychological injury?
  • What is the PTSD presumption?
  • Do I have to work in a certain occupation to be covered by the PTSD presumption?
  • What if I suffered a psychological injury many years ago? Am I still covered?
  • Does PTSD presumptive coverage guarantee that my WCB claim will be accepted?
  • Does the PTSD presumption give workers special benefits?
  • What types of treatments does the WCB cover?

For free copies of this resource, email with the resource name and quantities.


For free copies of this resource, email with the resource name and quantities.


This resource is also available in: Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Cree, Czech, Dari, French, German, Karen, Ojibwa, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Tigrinya, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.

This poster describes what to expect from a good return to work plan.

In this video, Dr. Sarvesh Logsetty from Health Sciences Centre explains that a gradual return to work with modified duties is good for injury recovery.