If you have questions about coverage, reporting payroll, paying premiums or clearances, please review this employer fact sheet.

My worker believes they contracted COVID-19 at work. What should I do next?

You are required to report workplace injuries resulting in time missed from work or a medical treatment within five business days of being made aware of them. If you have not already signed up for electronic claim reporting, the WCB encourages you to do so.

Work-related injuries and illnesses, including in some cases COVID-19, have always been and continue to be covered by the WCB and determined on a case-by-case basis.


Is COVID-19 work-related?

Most instances of COVID-19 are not work-related. However, the nature and type of work your workers do may put them at greater risk of contracting the virus than the general public. Nurses, health care aides and other direct care providers in hospitals and long-term care facilities are some examples of workers who may be at greater risk.


When is a COVID-19 claim accepted?

For a COVID-19 claim to be accepted, the WCB must determine that a worker contracted the virus as a result of an exposure arising out of and in the course of employment.


How will the WCB make this determination?

The WCB adjudicates work relatedness and benefit entitlement based on the specific and unique circumstances of each individual case. The WCB gathers information from you and other sources to assist in making this decision.


How is work-relatedness determined?

To determine the work-relatedness of COVID-19 claims, the WCB looks at details such as the person’s employment activities, their symptoms and whether they have a diagnosis of COVID-19.


Does a worker need a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 to receive benefits?

While a diagnosis is generally not required, the WCB considers the facts in each case to determine entitlement.


Does the WCB cover workers during self-isolation or quarantine when they are not sick?

No, the WCB does not provide coverage to workers when they are quarantined, self-isolating or sent home on a precautionary basis and are symptom free. However, should a worker develop symptoms during quarantine, they may be eligible for compensation.


Some of my workers already have a WCB claim. What does this mean for me?

The WCB continues to make decisions on their claims, share information with you and pay benefits to workers, where eligible. If you have not already signed up for Employer Insight, the WCB encourages you to do so. This electronic tool allows you to manage and monitor claims and return to work activities.


My business has been affected by COVID-19. What does this mean for my workers with existing claims?

You should contact your adjudicator or case manager to discuss any impact this may have on these claims. The WCB reviews the circumstances of each individual claim.


I followed the advice of the public health officials and closed my business. I have incurred additional claim costs because I could not offer Return to Work options to my injured workers. Am I charged for these extra claim costs?

We understand you may have questions and concerns about these claim costs. Your 2020 claims costs will begin to impact premium rates in 2022. The WCB will be considering the economic and business impacts of COVID-19.
