If your rate changed in 2025, there are a number of factors which may have influenced its movement in either direction.


Industry Classifications and Risk Category Ranges

All employers are assigned to an industry classification. Each industry classification is assigned a risk category based on how much we expect each classified employer group to cost the WCB system in future years. Each classification risk category is assigned a base rate that is the starting point to establish a rate range for the classification.

Risk category ranges provide flexibility for employers to move above or below their classification base rate based on the claims costs in their workplace and payroll size.

Choose the heading below that represents your size based on your annual payroll to see the rate ranges for each risk category. Your risk category, size designation and rate range based on your risk category are all detailed in your rate notification. If you don't have your rate notification, you can find out which risk category is assigned to your classification here.

2025 Classification Rate Ranges for Medium Employers Based on WCB Base Rate of $0.95.

Classification Risk Category Classification Risk Category Base Rate Rate Range 20% Below to 60% Above Risk Category Base Rate
15% $0.14 $0.11 - $0.22
20% $0.19 $0.15 - $0.30
25% $0.24 $0.19 - $0.38
33% $0.31 $0.25 - $0.50
40% $0.38 $0.30 - $0.61
50% $0.48 $0.38 - $0.76
60% $0.57 $0.46 - $0.90
75% $0.70 $0.57 - $1.13
100% $0.94 $0.75 - $1.51
125% $1.18 $0.94 - $1.89
150% $1.42 $1.13 - $2.27
200% $1.89 $1.51 - $3.02
250% $2.36 $1.89 - $3.78
300% $2.83 $2.26 - $4.52
400% $3.77 $3.02 - $6.03
500% $4.71 $3.77 - $7.54
600% $5.66 $4.52 - $9.05
800% $7.54 $6.03 - $12.07

The risk category base rates and the corresponding rate ranges identified above do not include any applicable safety program levies. The addition of this factor will increase the amounts shown. 

2025 Classification Rate Ranges for Large Employers Based on WCB Base Rate of $0.95.

Classification Risk Category Classification Risk Category Base Rate Rate Range 40% Below to 120% Above Risk Category Base Rate
15% $0.14 $0.08 - $0.31
20% $0.19 $0.11 - $0.42
25% $0.24 $0.14 - $0.53
33% $0.31 $0.19 - $0.67
40% $0.38 $0.23 - $0.83
50% $0.48 $0.29 - $1.05
60% $0.57 $0.34 - $1.24
75% $0.70 $0.43 - $1.55
100% $0.94 $0.54 - $2.07
125% $1.18 $0.70 - $2.60
150% $1.42 $0.85 - $3.13
200% $1.89 $1.13 - $4.15
250% $2.36 $1.42 - $5.20
300% $2.83 $1.70 - $6.22
400% $3.77 $2.26 - $8.30
500% $4.71 $2.83 - $10.37
600% $5.66 $3.39 - $12.44
800% $7.54 $4.52 - $16.59

The risk category base rates and the corresponding rate ranges identified above do not include any applicable safety program levies. The addition of this factor will increase the amounts shown.

A large employer may be moved to a risk category different from its industry classification if certain criteria are met: 

  • Where a large employer (payroll greater than $7.5M) has cost experience lower than its industry's cost experience, the WCB will provide notice to the employer advising them that continued positive experience could result in moving to a lower risk category. 
  • Where the employer has cost experience higher than its industry's cost experience, the WCB will provide notice to the employer advising them that continued poor experience could result in the employer moving to a higher risk category. 
  • If the forecast rate is below or above the next adjacent risk category base rate for four consecutive years, the employer may be eligible to move to that risk category. SAFE Work Manitoba certified employers may be eligible to move down a risk category in three years if their forecast rate is below the next adjacent risk category base rate. 

Large employers are limited to one risk category move every two years and further restricted to moving no greater than 6 risk categories away from its industry classification risk category. 

Risk Category Movement

All employers regardless of size may experience a change to their industry classification risk categories as a result of changing cost experience among the industry classification. The rate system allows for movement among risk categories at the industry classification level. Employers will receive notification regarding possible movement of their risk categories on their rate notifications. Risk category movement may result in an increase or decrease to the rate.

Claims Costs or no Claims Costs

If you’ve had claims with an incident date between 2021 and 2023 that incurred costs between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023, this will impact your 2025 rate. If your costs are higher than average, your rate will likely increase. If your costs are lower, your rate may go down. 


Rate Increase/Decrease Limits

There are limits built into the rate model to protect you from too much fluctuation in any given year. At this stage, your rate cannot move up or down more than 15 per cent from year to year. Also, your rate can't go below the lower or above the upper end of the category range. The next stage is the addition of the balancing adjustment. Finally, if you're part of a participating industry classification, you'll share in an industry based safety program cost.


Balancing Adjustment

Because there are many factors involved in determining each employer's rate, it can be difficult to ensure that the revenue raised matches the revenue we need to cover workplace injuries and illnesses. Once rates have been determined, we apply a balancing adjustment evenly to all employers to ensure we are able to break even.

For a more detailed explanation of any rate change you experienced in 2025, please contact Assessment Services.


Industry-Based Safety Programs

Manitoba has many industry-based safety programs that work in partnership with SAFE Work Manitoba to help keep workers safe on the job. Through these safety programs, employers can work to reduce their individual and classification-wide injuries and resulting costs.

These programs are funded in part by all employers within the applicable classification codes. The WCB collects these program fees (called a safety levy) through employers’ premiums as a percentage of their rate.

Learn more about Industry-Based Safety Programs


More Information about Premiums and Rates

Your WCB Premium

How Premiums are Calculated

Your Rate Notification Can Tell You a Lot

Industry-Based Safety Programs and How They Help Your Business

Improve Business Performance and Reduce Costs

Contact Assessment Services


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