The worker had a compensable workplace injury and had been unable to work as a result. While continuing to receive wage loss benefits from the WCB, the worker started working again and did not immediately advise the WCB.
The Workers Compensation Board may publish administrative penalties to inform and educate employers and workers of their legal responsibilities under The Workers Compensation Act.
The employer failed to provide information to the WCB about an accident or worker that the WCB required and had requested from the employer related to a worker's claim for compensation.
The employer was served with a written order requiring the production of specific records for a purpose relating to the enforcement of The Workers Compensation Act. The employer failed to comply with the order.
The employer failed to report the correct payroll to the WCB in contravention of s. 86(1)(b) of the Act.
A worker had exercised a right or carried out a duty under the Act. In response, the employer took a prohibited retaliatory action against the worker.