The services you provide for treating injured workers are valued and it is our goal to ensure that you are paid for those services as quickly and accurately as possible. For your convenience, we have detailed the requirements for reporting and invoicing the WCB for your services below. You can also download a brief booklet detailing the processes and information required for billing the WCB for your services.
Download the Billing the WCB for Healthcare Services guide
Please keep in mind that in some instances, treatments and services must be preapproved before billing. Preapproval for treatment and services apply to physiotherapy, chiropractic treatments, pain management injections and surgery.
Submitting Invoices and Billing Forms to the WCB
Learn more about payments for your services and how to submit the appropriate healthcare billing forms to the WCB.
Processing & Payments
Learn more about when you can expect the WCB to pay for the services you provide to injured workers.
Denied Claims & Invoices
Learn more about what to do in the event that your patient’s claim is denied or modified by the WCB.
Service Code Manual
Find out more about how to bill the WCB for your services.Creating/Updating Your WCB Account