Your premiums are based on the payroll information you submit and your WCB Assessment Rate. Once we review this information you will receive an Account Statement detailing the amount owing and payment requirements.
Payment Options
You have many options for paying your premium, including:
Pre-authorized Debit or Credit Card Payments
- Complete the Debit Pre-authorized Form
- For pre-authorized credit card payments, please call 204-954-4505 and select option 2. This is available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Debit - with your online banking institution or in person at our Winnipeg location only (see below for address).
Credit - WCB's secure online payment portal or in person at our Winnipeg location only (see below for address). Credit card payments can only be made with accounts that have annual premium of $10,000 or less.
Cash - in person Winnipeg (see below for address and hours), Brandon or Thompson office.
Cheque – in person at our Winnipeg, Brandon or Thompson offices
Late Payments
Payments must be received at the WCB office by the Account Statement due date to avoid a late payment penalty. Debit, credit card and cash payments are credited to your account on the same day you make your payment. If paying by mail or through your financial institution please allow a minimum of three to five business days for your payment to reach us.
A late payment will impact your business' ability to receive clearances. To avoid this, you can sign up for Pre-authorized Debit or Credit Card Payments.
If you need to talk to someone about paying your premium, call 204-954-4156 or toll free 1-855-954-4321, ext. 4156.
Where to Make an In-Person Payment of Premiums by Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit Card
Winnipeg Office - pay by debit, credit, cash or cheque
WCB Assessment Services
363 Broadway - 2nd Floor
Business hours: 8:30-4:30
Brandon Office - pay by cash or cheque
Renaissance Station Building
Unit 1, 457 - 9th Street
Thompson Office - pay by cash or cheque
New Town Square
#2 - 90 Thompson Drive